Sunday, April 19, 2009

Where the hell have I been?

Man - my last post was in July...that's just sad. So where the hell have I been? Caught up in the pile of bullshit we generally call life; work, bills, etc, etc. That doesn't mean I've forgotten the dream, if anything I realize now more than ever that if I'm going to make this happen, I have about 5 years left to make it a reality. So, to get going, here are some thing going on in my life now that I'm taking inspiration from:
1) I got the Acekard 2i and it really rocks. For those not familar, its a geek device that lets you run homebrew applications on the nintendo DS (or DSi in my case).
2) I saw Adventureland, and it really struck a cord with me. There is something about your late teens to your early twenties that really has an emotional punch in your system for the rest of your life. I think maybe I need to write something about my young adulthood days, and how it kind of all culminated to where I am now.

Since its a new year, I'll be making some new goals to make sure I keep this updated more frequently. Hope all is well with my 1 loyal reader, and expect an update soon-ish.

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