Friday, May 30, 2008

Writing Exercise....

Okay, just a little late, but as promised here is a little writing exercise that I'm going to do and I would love it if you all would give it a try in the comments. Might be fun! So here is the deal: Think of a scene (a short one - just a paragraph or less), write it out. Then marinate on it, and write the same thing but in a different way. Marinate some more, then give it a 3rd try. Make sense? Good. Lets give it a shot, and we can all critique each other in the comments. Here's mine:

Attempt 1:
The forest is quiet, the only sound to be heard is that of a young owl testing it's "hoo's" and "ho's". There is a path through the trees, but its not an easy one to make out, obviously it hasn't seen heavy use in sometime. A young boy (age 8) is seen running through a dark forest - he has a look of terror on his face and is running very fast, but from what?

Attempt 2:
A boy, young and fit but wearing the tattered remains of clothes, runs down a path carved through broken broken branches and worn tall grass. Obviously frightened, he runs at a pace that only a child can, looking back at nothing and everything all at the same time.

Attempt 3:
The sound of his own barefeet against the dead grass and broken branches was loud enough to stir the animals. Loud enough to ring in the young boys ears as he ran. Loud enough, unfortunately, for the badman to follow through the otherwise dead silence of the forest.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Where have I been?

Well - I told y'all that I'm a lazy bastard! Maybe lazy is the wrong word, but ultimately I have a hard time following through with some of my loftier goals. However, this blog was created to force me to move on and therefore I must do it. So, where have I been? Well, more or less I ended up quitting my job and taking a new one over the course of the last month in addition to completely changing/rearranging our house, so needless to say I've been busy with life. Hopefully one day my job will be to write so I don't have to put it off when things come up like over the last month - but that day is not here just yet.

So, where should we pick up? Well, I still need to post the rest of that short story, I could probably do a few more "If I were to write it" segments (Indiana Jones anyone?), and there is a host of other things I can be doing. But for today I'll keep it simple, and along with this update I will do a little writing exercise that I think will be fun for me and anyone willing to participate. I will make another post after lunch explaining the exercise, along with my attempt at it. Welcome back (to me and all the readers), and I'll be back shortly.